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Lirik Lagu The Stage - Avenged Sevenfold

Lirik Lagu The Stage adalah judul lagu dari Avenged Sevenfold yang berada didalam album The Stage dan di Publikasikan oleh label Capitol

Lirik The Stage - Avenged Sevenfold

The Stage adalah judul lagu dari Avenged Sevenfold yang berada didalam album The Stage dan di publikasikan oleh label Capitol. Trek yang juga berjudul sama dengan nama album ini diawali dengan lolongan synthyang bermain dari nada tinggi ke rendah, disusul dengan suara gitar dari Synyster Gates dengan teknik tappingdan double pedaldari Brooks.

8 menit bukanlah durasi yang pendek untuk sebuah trek pembuka album, kesan awal sebuah album dipertaruhkan di trek pertama, terlebih untuk telinga-telinga non-penggemar yang masih awam dengan Avenged Sevenfold. Lagu Avenged Sevenfold lainnya : Paradigm, Sunny Dispositon, Good Damn.

Penyanyi Avenged Sevenfold
Judul LaguThe Stage
Album The Stage
Label Capitol

Foto Avenged Sevenfold Instagram
Foto : Avenged Sevenfold Instagram

Lirik Lagu Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage

Untuk mendapatkan Lagu The Stage - Avenged Sevenfold ) anda bisa membelinya melalui media digital seperti iTunes, Jook, Langit Musik, Spotify, Deezer dan media pembelian musik lainnya. Berikut adalah selengkapnya Avenged Sevenfold - As Tears Go By Lyrics

Lirik The Stage - Avenged Sevenfold

So I arrived, naked and cold
A welcomed change from the abeyance of a ghost town catacomb
No need for counsel I appreciate the time I’m not alone
(Why don’t you get my lawyer on the phone)

There were days these child eyes
Would overlook the ugliness and fantasize
I found my heart for the first time and I awakened in me
I left myself to navigate… and oh I felt control
(It appears these sheep have quite an appetite)

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?

As the boy became a man
In came a calm sophistication I can hardly understand
So lost in ego, didn’t notice when the time had slipped away
(Yeah, Everyone’s got a sob story)

Jesus Christ, was born to die
Leave it to man to levitate his own to idolize
We’re simply sociopaths with no communication baby
I see your angle but we differ from our points of view
(So, what’s your cross to bear)

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?
Tell me a lie in a beautiful way
I believe in answers

Just not today

Hope my wheelsdon’tabandon me now, seein’ thatI’moutherealone
I’m runnin’ out of fight
And the wind speaks a comforting voice, guiding me to her arms
Mother, I’m alright
It took the birth of sin to snake-rattle the mind
Before a blow to the head by the gavel of time to wake up
Won’t you wake up?
When did the walking apes decide that nuclear war
Was now the only solution for them keeping the score? Just wake up
Can’t you wake up?

(You do know this is just a simulation, don’t you?)
Who is the crowd that peers through the cage,
As we perform here upon the stage?
Tell me a lie in a beautiful way
I believe in answers
Just not today

Baca Juga : Lirik Parodi Jaran Goyang (Persib Jarang Meunang)
kitablirik.blogspot.com tidak pernah membagikan file apapun. Kami hanya menulis lirik lagu dan informasi tentang musik, penyanyi, dan musisi terkait.

kitablirik.blogspot.com never shared any files. We just write lyrics and information about music, singers and musicians.
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